Tips and Tricks for Your Dogs Summer


Summer is here! And as we all get ready for more fun in the sun you may be looking forward to longer walks during the long summer evenings, making trips to the beach or even traveling with your fur family. However, the warmer weather can call for some slight changes to best care for your furry best friend so keep these tips and tricks in mind as you all get ready for the new season.

  1. Beat the Heat!

Summer is the perfect time to get outdoors but it can also mean more opportunity for sunburn and exposure to pests like fleas and heartworm. Before you head out, take the time to make sure your pets are all up to date on shots and heartworm meds. Though you may be tempted to give your pup a fresh, new cut -- keep your pets coat long to protect their skin from sunburn and insect bites. Hydration is also key! Your pooch will love a kiddie pool setup just for them and ample water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

2. Travel Lightly

Hitting the road..or air? Windows down or air conditioning on! Keep the window shades down if possible and ice packs in the car for extra long trips. Air travel more of your thing? Keep fresh water on hand for a quick drink and pack your pup with cooling packs for a comfy ride. Traveling with a senior dog or puppy? 

3. Be Alert

Know the signs and symptoms of dehydration and heatstroke in your pet. Signs including heavy panting, dry nose, rapid breathing, and difficulty maintaining balance are all signs that your pet is in distress! Moving them to a cooler area, spraying them down with cool water and providing water or ice cubes to consume can all help restore balance. If non of these measures work, get your pet to a vet ASAP.

Using the tips above you can ensure your summer will be one filled with fun but also with safety in mind! Longer days and more movement with your pets, especially senior dogs or puppies may also mean more unplanned trips to the bathroom so don’t forget to grab your Kocho Potty Pads to ensure an accident free Summer!