How to Maintain your Dog’s Happy Life as he Age

A Senior Dog’s Environment

old dog

Dogs over the age of 7 are considered to be “senior.” Dogs don’t suddenly become old and frail, the process is much more gradual. It is important to take special care of older dogs so they are able to continue to be your best friend in their twilight years. Proper toilet care is one of the things you need to pay attention to. Just like people, dogs can become senile and lose muscle strength. However, don't give up, these things can be lessened or prevented entirely with the proper care.

The “Senior” Physical

Counting your dog’s age

One year (365 days) is a long time for a dog. During their first year, they grow 18-20 years equivalent to humans. After the first year, dogs age a year every three months. The breed of the dog also affects its lifespan and mental toughness.


How to notice if your dog is aging poorly

Dogs can’t communicate their pain or discomfort in words. Conditions such as residual urine, constipation, and painful hips are hard to notice by just looking at them. If they are constipated for a prolonged period, their risk of illness rises. To prevent them from falling ill, we recommend keeping an eye on their waste (such as urine and feces). These can give you a heads up to help you catch any problems before it becomes serious.

“Going” indoors

As your furry friends get old, it will become harder for them to walk outside in harsh climates with frigid and/or sweltering temperatures because of their declining physical fitness. Before that happens, we recommend that you potty train them how to “go” indoors and work it into their routine. If your dog lives outside, bring them indoors to get accustomed to living in the house from time to time.

Supporting Your Dog’s Toiletry Needs

First, don’t scold your dog even if they have a “mistake” at home

It is exceedingly difficult for them to hold in their urine, as the dog ages. It can also happen because of declining kidney and brain function. So, if they take a potty outside the toilet, please be kind and try to support them to the best of your ability. If their behavior becomes frequent, consult a vet and ask about dog diapers. Moving their toilet closer to their bed can also help. You can reduce their mistakes by help bringing them to the toilet as well. However, do not restrict their water supply. This can lead to other health conditions that may put your pet at greater risk.

Useful items

Pet tissues and wet pet tissues are especially useful when cleaning up your furry companion’s “misses”. You can also use them to clean their mouth, eyes, ears, and behind; as well as clean up urine around the toilet, floor, and the pet crates.

How to support your dog while peeing

While your male dog pees upright, stay behind the dog and hold their thighs or lumbus in a half-sitting position. If your dog is female, support her groin area in order to let her sit comfortably.

Lay out a dog pad if they become bedridden

If your furry friend becomes bedridden, we recommend laying out a dog pad and towel with a waterproof sheet on your floor.


How to use a dog pad whilst bedridden

When your furry friend’s urinary bladder gets stiff, push it to stimulate peeing. When you do so, layout a dog pad under their hips to prevent a mess. Our ultra-absorbent potty pads are very useful in this case.

*For female, layout a dog pad and cover their pubis.
*For male, use a dog pad to cover their penis.