New Year, New You

...and Fido Too!


As the New Year comes upon us and we begin to make our lists of resolutions, increase your dedication to your goals by including your pet! Research shows that an accountability partner ups the chances of creating and keeping a new habit, so why not have your furbaby be the one to help you reach your goals. Not only can you create healthy habits, your pet also gets to be included in doing some good for the new year. 

Whether you're working toward being more sustainable, hitting the gym more or learning a new hobby or skill, your pets can help motivate and keep you on track. Take a look at some of the ideas below for including fido in your quest for the best year yet. 

1. Bring Your Pet Out For a Jog

 Upping your mileage in 2022? Bring along your dog for some extra exercise and the added bonus of an extra exciting day for your pup. Not ready for running just yet? No worries! Your pet can be a great companion for extra long scenic walks with new encounters along the way.

2. Up Your Sustainability Game

Decreasing our impact on the planet can take many shapes. Committed to lowering your footprint next year? Extend that to your pet's food and lifestyle. KOCHO's commitment to well made, sustainable products for your cats and dogs is a perfect way to start! Also consider, decreasing throwaway items that aren’t easily recyclable and upcycling items around the house for toys, cuddle items, and more for your pet.

3. Pick Up a New Skill

Want to develop a new hobby? Choose something your pet can join in on! Take up biking and bring your dog for a ride, photography with your furbaby as your favorite subject, or maybe just have them lie beside you as you learn to knit.

4. Good Food for You, Good Food for Them

If you’re dedicated to better eating this new year, why not also extend to your fur friends? Processed food is bad for both you and your dogs and cats so consider freshly made, tasty meals that you’ll both enjoy. Searching for new recipes that are healthful for the whole family is a fun, inclusive way to keep everyone involved in better living.