New Normal with Your Furry Friends


As a pet owner’s fondness for their furry friend grows, they begin to treat them as part of the family through a process called “Pet Humanization”. For example, in the past pet owners kept their dogs mainly outdoors. However, recent trends indicate that people are now preferring to house their dogs inside. This highlights one of the growing bonds between pet owners and their pets.

According to the 2019-2020 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 67% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 84.9 million homes. The number of dogs in the US total over 63.4 million. In 2010, 62% of 25-35 year olds lived in an apartment. This percentage has increased to 74% in 2016.

With the global spread of Covid-19, it is very important for pet owners to learn and implement proper social distancing procedures. If these include reducing the frequency of walking your dog, then we recommend utilizing a doggy pad to train your furry family members to do their business at home, where it is safe. In addition, if you have a senior dog, you might consider teaching them to pee at home full time, to prevent episodes and accidents.

With the changing times, we as pet owners must remain vigilant. At Kocho, we manufacture potty pads and would love to help you develop a plan to deal with these obstacles through our products. We hope you all remain safe and continue to enjoy your time together with your family, furry and otherwise.