Keeping Your Pets Wintertime Safe


Cold weather can bring harsh temperatures and conditions for humans and pets alike. Just as we take different precautions and steps to adapt to winter weather, our pets may need some extra love during this season as well. Read on for some ways to ensure the best pet parenthood for your furry loved ones. 

  1. Know You Pets Limits: Depending on the type of pet you have and its breed, you may have to take different steps to ensure your pet is staying safe. For our cold weather dogs like huskies and malamutes, below freezing temps may be where they thrive. But for your smaller, short haired or older dogs – the cold may be too much. Take your pets lead and look for signs for overexposure and adjust accordingly. 

  2. Provide Extra Layers: Dog sweaters are more than just for fashion! If your fur baby loves the outdoors but is not equipped for long, cold weather walks, grab him a sweater or coat to help protect from the elements.

  3. Keep Their Paws Clean: Wintertime brings road hazards not present in warm weather. Ice, salt, and de-icers found on the ground can be detrimental to your pets health so remember to wipe those paws after a walk or place covers on their feet to help weather the elements.

  4. Check Your Wheels!: For our furry friends who live outdoors, it’s not uncommon to find a critter lounging between wheel wells for warmth. Give them a proper heads up before you drive to make sure you don’t accidentally harm them.

  5. Create an Indoor Potty Plan: For those animals who simply do not go out in the cold but still need an option to use the bathroom. Create an indoor option! KOCHO Potty Pads and Cat Litter are the perfect solution for pets who now need to go indoors! 

Following the above tips will keep your pets safe, sound and comfy throughout the winter months!