Bringing Home a New Pet


Congratulations! You just got a new pet and you’re all ready to bring it home and get settled in. Getting a new pet is exciting and a big step so how do you ensure you and your pet get acquainted and settle in nicely? Take a look at some of the tips below for a smooth transition into your new home.

  1. Get the correct supplies: Your new fur baby will need some items to feel at home. Whether you are bringing home a new puppy or a rescue you’ll need to ensure you have the right items. A collar, leash, tag with ID, water and food bowls and a bed are all essential items for your new pet. Make sure you have them on hand! 

  2. Establish a Routine: Your pet will need a routine much like you likely have. Determine the best time to feed, walk and play with your pet and keep it consistent! Getting your pet into a routine will help make their transition easier and help you stay organized.

  3. Time to Housetrain: Even if you’ve adopted an older dog, chances are you will have to housetrain your new pup. Showing them where to eliminate and keeping a routine will help them get the hang of it quickly. For the younger puppies training for the first time, our puppy pads are a great tool to help them learn while they still get acclimated to their surroundings.

  4. Health First!: It’s important to ensure your pet is up to date on their shots to keep both them and other animals healthy. A veterinary trip is imperative to check general health and for preventative health.


A pet is a perfect and exciting addition to any home, with these tips in mind, you and your pet will be set up for a lifetime of happiness and exploration!